Choose an activity to challenge yourself and get your friends/family/community to support you.
You could choose one or more of the activities below OR you could choose your own challenge. You might event choose to do all 10 challenges across 10 days?
The idea is to step outside your comfort zone – what would really challenge you – what would it be like to be without some of the things we take for granted?
Choose your own activity and get the community behind you as you challenge yourself.
10 challenges
1. Water bottle challenge – for many refugees the daily ration of water is 15 litres. Can you survive – wash, drink, cook, bathe on just 15 L a day – for one day...
2. Food fast – survive on refugee food menu
3. Walk in my shoes – carrying water for 6 kilometres
4. Look for a loo – and dig it too!
5. Total blackout – survive for a weekend without electricity. Or negotiate the hours outside of school.
6. No devices – what do you do for fun without them?
7. Live for the day without furniture
8. Do all the household chores for the family
9. Do your homework by candlelight or torchlight – no electricity
10. Sleep on the floor
For more information – click here